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Monitored Natural Attenuation:the protocols of assessing feasibility, designing system, and evaluating performance

The purpose of this project was to collect external and internal regulations, guidelines, research papers and documents that used Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as the remedy method of the soil and groundwater contaminated sites. Furthermore, to establish the regulations and guidelines of feasibility study, monitoring design, and performance study for those MNA implement site in Taiwan. In order to established the specifications of feasibility study, monitoring design, and performance study of MNA applying at the petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated organic compounds contaminated sites. This project collected and analyzed the information of the contamination area, contamination concentration, remediation objective, remediation budget, remediation schedule of 44 sites cited in the CLU-IN website as case studies to be learned when applying MNA in the future. This project discussed the feasibility and compatibility of applying MNA under the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. This project also provided the guideline for reviewing the remediation plan of applying MNA to a contaminated site. Besides, this project introduced three computer software (i.e. BIOSCREEN, BIOCHLOR and BIOCHLOR) to simulate remediation by natural attenuation of dissolved solvents at MNA application sites, which commonly used by the US Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). These software are freeware and can be downloaded from the U.S. EPA website ( BIOSCREEN is to simulate remediation through natural attenuation of dissolved hydrocarbons at petroleum fuel release sites. BIOCHLOR is for chlorinated solvent release sites. BIOPLUME is for simulating the natural attenuation of organic contaminants in ground-water due to the processes of advection, dispersion, sorption, and biodegradation. Several key features and operating procedures were introduced including the programs interface, input parameters, operation procedures and case studies. This introduction will help the users of these programs to study the feasibility of applying MNA to the candidate contaminated sites.
Monitored Natural Attenuation, Feasibility Study, Specification